Tips For Buying a Used Phone Singapore

Buying a used phone Singapore is never an easy trade. It can be very tricky and will cost you lot of money if you haven't played your cards right!

Gone are the days when people used to buy mobile phones as a showing off toy. It is arguably the most important device for everyone regardless of their age, location and social status. For this very reason, mobile companies now create phones that are loaded with features to assist the active man on the go.

Now, since not all of us can afford to buy the expensive new mobile phones, we have to consider other options like buying a used phone Singapore on a pretty less price, but keep in mind that is not always easy. Before you buy, you'll have to consider few things like phone's health, physical appearance, and power and most importantly its functionality. Most sellers sell their phones after it becomes crippled and faulty and if you haven't got an eye for detail, there are chances you get yourself tossed a red herring!

It is good to know some pointers that will keep you from getting ripped off.

1. Always buy a used mobile phone from a trusted party.
2. Watch out for the internal damages (if any) before jumping of excitement if the phone looks good from the outside.
3. Check out the battery (you can plug-in to see if it charges fine).
4. Ask for the warranty receipt (even expired one will tell you when exactly the phone was bought).
5. Compare market prices for the similar handsets.
